Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Significance Of Restoring African World History - 2510 Words

Ryan Kelly A. Mogre 2127 words Ancient Africa and Kemet Discuss the Significance of Restoring African World History. Does Africa have any history? Have the people of Africa made any significant contribution to humanity? With the knowledge that the birthplace of humankind is Africa (Sanz, 2012, p.6), it does make one wonder how a place that is home to millions of people was not able to establish a civilised system until the European interactions that started in the 16th century. In this piece, I will explain how the European imperialistic distortions of Africa’s past has led to this general belief that Africa has no history. I will also be using examples of some of the achievements of ancient Africa, to show the vital part they have played in the advancement of humanity and civilisation for thousands of years. Finally, I will be looking at the controversy surrounding the ancestral heritage of ancient Egypt, Kemet, and how this view has changed over time. It is important to note that Eurocentrism is not some sinister entity or collective, orchestrating a master plan to brainwash everyone. There are positives and negatives to having a Eurocentric viewpoint, but for the sake of this piece I will be focusing on the points of western culture that had an influence on African history. I Firstly, to understand why the worldview of Africa is inaccurate, we first need to understand the terms Eurocentric and Eurocentrism. These terms are used to describe the focus on EuropeanShow MoreRelatedThe Negro Digs Up His Past920 Words   |  4 Pagesyears, whether it is fiction of facts. Living in a world, where only certain race can be seen as superior to others. Schomburg was a pioneer beyond his times. In the article â€Å"The Negro Digs up His Past†. The beginning of this essay revealed a powerful statement, â€Å"The American Negro must remake his past in order to make his future† (Arthur Schomburg). 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